Emma - Available for Adoption

Emma.. The biggest pup with the pug body. Loves to play Brindle color. 6 Weeks old

Wyatt - available for adoption

Wyatt.. Only boy. Looks and acts more poodles then pug. Longer curly fur. Adorable. Black with a little bit of brindle color.
6 Weeks old

Apple - Available for Adoption

Apple.. Girl! Very playful and hyper and energetic! Fawn colord, shot hair and a white spot on her chest!
6 Weeks old


Lady.. Sweet Girl, Who’s Quit, Cuddly and likes to be loved on and handled. Long hair. Brindle color. With a white chin and a couple white toes. 6 weeks old

4 days past due date

Mimi (Momma) is now 4 days past her due date. she can go into labor ant moment, any second, any min, any hour!